

Monday, October 6, 2014

Why getting up early makes me a better mom. (A conversation from my heart).

So this morning I got up with my husband.  It was dark.  And cold.  Oh yeah, and it wasn't even five.  Anyone who knows me will realize just how big of a deal this is.  I detest dark.  I detest cold.  And I detest early.  Seriously.

But, here's the deal, this morning I was able to read the bible (it's been an embarrassingly long time, if we're being honest), drink a few glasses of water quietly, workout, browse pinterest, eat breakfast, do some cookbook organizing on Evernote, and reply to my husband's "I got here safely" text as soon as he sent it.  I did all this before any children needed me.  No one was asking for cheese or juice.  No diapers needed changed.  No littles needed nursed.  No accidents to clean off my already stained carpet.  No screaming.  No "Moooooooom!"s.  This morning I was just me.

As a general rule, I am not my own.  My hands are my toddler's, my breasts are my infant's, and whatever is leftover after all the messy events of the day I give to my husband.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, it's a life I chose quite willingly.  After all, it's truly all I've really wanted out of this world.  If you don't understand what I'm saying, you must not have children.  I'm sorry.  You are missing out on the most beautiful chaos.

But chaos it is.  Those quiet moments in the morning are so rejuvenating.  A chance to reconnect with who Christ has made me to be.  A wife, yes.  A mother, yes.  But, in the midst of it all, still me.

Do you rise early to be "just you"?  Tell me about it!

If you don't, I highly suggest you do.  It just might make you a better mother (or wife, sister, daughter, etc).


Trish said...

I try to wake earlier than my children. I do find that i helps me to be more centered during the day. Currently, though, Margo is a very early riser and I am having a hard time getting up before her. She has given up her morning nap, but before that I used to put her down and then late Mabel watch TV while I did my quite time. Oh well, just keep swimming, and eventually it will work!

Unknown said...

Keep at it, Trish! One thing about littles is they never seem to continue the same habit for long! :)